Legal Reserch - An Inter Disciplinary Approach
Dr SK Bose
Associate Professor, FoL, Manav Rachna University
Abstract :
When the courts were disinclined to take much notice of arguments and ideas that were to be found in the exegetical literature, the ordinary practitioner did not normally need to dig much deeper than was required to ascertain the state of the law.
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1-8 |
कुंकणा जाति के लोकगीत
डॉ. हेतल जी. चौहाण
सूरत, गुजरात
Abstract :
दक्षिण गुजरात आदिवासी बहुल प्रदेश है। इसकी तीन मुख्य आदिवासी जातियाँ हैं – धोडिया, कुंकणा और वारली। इनकी बोलियों को इनके ही नाम से क्रमश: धोडिया, कुंकणा और वारली बोली कहते हैं। इन तीनों बोलियों में लोकसाहित्य की दृष्टि से कुंकणा बोली बहुत ही समृद्ध है जिसमें लोकगीत, लोककथा, पहेलियाँ आदि की भरमार हैं।
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9-15 |
मोहन राकेश जी- जीवन एवं रचना कर्म
Dr. Amrish Makwana
M.A., B.Ed, Ph.D. working as Assistant District Co-coordinator, Planning & Monitoring, Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, District Panchayat, Anand
Abstract :
मोहन राकेश हिन्दी साहित्य के उन चुनिंदा साहित्यकारों में हैं जिन्हें ‘नयी कहानी आंदोलन’ का नायक माना जाता है और साहित्य जगत में अधिकांश लोग उन्हें उस दौर का महानायक कहते हैं। उन्होंने ‘अषाढ का एक दिन’ के रूप में हिन्दी का पहला आधुनिक नाटक भी लिखा। आधुनिक नाटक साहित्य को नयी दिशा की ओर मोड़ने वाले मोहन राकेश प्रतिभासम्पन्न साहित्यकार हैं।
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16-20 |
Tool and Technique of Research Methodology
Lata Arya
Abstract :
Research is an important means of acquiring new knowledge and truth about a subject. It provides an opportunity for improvement. It provides an opportunity to mould the course of an idea, thought and perception. But there is no short cut to it.
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21-27 |
Recognition to Right to work of Labours as human right
Prof. (Dr.) Nitu Nawal* Vipin kumar**
*Dean, School of Legal Studies and Governance, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan.
**Research Scholar, Career point University, Kota, Rajasthan.
Abstract :
Work as labour is a paid operation, the result of human activity; and it is also conceptualizable as human effort applied to the production of wealth. Thus, work originates the need for the establishment of norms tending to the protection of those who only possess their labour power. In this way, the so-called "Right to Work" implied the appearance of a catalog of human rights, also known as human labour rights,
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28-32 |