Exploring Eco Spirit Vs. Human Life: A Study of Michael Crichton’s State of Fear
M. Prathisha,
Master of Philosophy, Department of English, Holy Cross College( Autonomous),
Abstract :
Michael Crichton is a famous American science fictional writer. He writes many novel as an awareness to the mob to protect nature, on the other hand he debits the pathetic condition of human beings who has failed to have concern for the beauty of nature. The novel State of Fear is a techno thriller novel and it is also an eco-terrorist novel
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1-3 |
A Study of Dr. Ambedkar’s Ideas of Nation-Building in India
Dr. Sambhaji Sopanrao Darade
Assistant Professor, Head of Department, History, Mula Education Society’s, Arts, Commerce & Science College Sonai,Tal:-Newasa.Dist:-Ahmednagar (M.S)
Abstract :
B.R. Ambedkar’s notion of nationalism and his understanding of the Indian national movement have rarely received adequate academic consideration either from the liberal or radical scholars and the historians in India. This study attempts to analyze Ambedkar’s self generated vision of nationalism and also evaluate why he and dalits did not participate directly in the Indian national movement as directed by the congress which is a question that needs to be analyzed along with current debate raised by Arun Shourie criticizing the Ambedkar’s feeling of nationalism.
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4-7 |
Analysis of Judicial Trends on Contempt of Court
Pallavi sen* & S M Soujanya
*Assistant Professor of law, School of legal studies Reva University, Bangalore
** Assistant Professor of law, School of legal studies Reva University, Bangalore
Abstract :
Contempt is an intense feeling or attitude regarding someone or something as inferior, or worthless. In law, it is a well known expression and it is disrespect to the court or the person connected with the courts or legislative body. Thus, law of contempt is intended to safeguard the interests of administration of justice, which must necessarily be fearless, impartial and upright.[1] One of the basic principles of any civilized system of justice is that a person is entitled to fair free trial from prejudice.
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8-14 |
Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for GoDot: an Eco Critical Perspective
Abhijit Choudhury
M.A. 2nd Semester, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya
Abstract :
This paper is an attempt to depict the demolition of nature due to the Second World War. Nature takes an integral part in the lives of people. The paper, by using the drama waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, illustrator how the unavoidable relationship between man nature are fragmental during the Modern Era. In this paper I have tried to show Beckett’s duality in representing nature through Vladimir and Estragon; Firstly, it reveals the exploitation of nature, and secondly, it precariously exposes the disintegration of modern society.
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15-17 |
गुजरात के आदिवासियों की सामाजिक व्यवस्था और भाषा
डॉ. हेतल जी. चौहाण
सूरत, गुजरात
Abstract :
आदिवासी शब्द दो शब्दों “आदि” और “वासी” से मिल कर बना है और इसका अर्थ मूल “निवासी” होता है। भारत की जनसंख्या का एक बड़ा हिस्सा आदिवासियों का है। पुरातन लेखों में आदिवासियों को “अत्विका” और “वनवासी” भी कहा गया है (संस्कृत ग्रंथों में)। संविधान में आदिवासियों के लिए अनुसूचित जनजाति शब्द का उपयोग किया गया है। भारत के प्रमुख आदिवासी समुदायों में संथाल, गोंड, मुंडा, खडिया, हो, बोडो, भील, गरासिया, मीणा, उरांव, चौधरी, राठवा, गामित, वसावा, बिरहोर आदि हैं।
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18-22 |
Towards the Model of a Political Systems Using Interpretive Structural Modeling(ISM) approach
Dr. Yonas Bol deManial
Upper Nile University-Malakal
Abstract :
The paper is an attempt to structurctue political system. A political system includes many elements. Literature review and experts’ views has determined that the ‘’ chief executive, economic activity, social groups, legislative and judicial, political organizations, public administrative, civic and media,cultural and heritage, geograpghy and history
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23-42 |