The Empowerment of Civil Society through Optimization of Volunteers’ Role (Case Study on the Volunteers of Rumah Zakat (RZ) in Manado City)
Fikstif Donal Lintong*, & Idrus Affandi**
School of Postgraduate, Indonesia University of Education
Abstract :
This study is back grounded by the author anxiety toward the problem occurs in society, namely natural disaster and social change with various positive-negative effects they bring. The unpredictable nature and the era challenge with its massiveness,
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1-8 |
Factors Influencing Destination Image Formation: A Review
Sabari Shankar R
Academic Associate, Marketing Management Area, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode &Research Scholar, GRD Academy of Management Coimbatore
Abstract :
Destination Image research has been progressing in the recent years. Many empirical evidences and models have been executed and tested in imbibing effectiveness and creating destination image.
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9-15 |
Implementation of Acrostic Technique and Snowball Throwing Game in Learning Poetry for Students in Vocational High School
Febi Junaidi, S.Pd.*, Dr. Isah Cahyani, M.Pd.**, Dr. Yulianeta, M.Pd.***, & Dr. Nuny Sulistiany Idris, M.Pd.****
*Graduate student and Awardee of LPDP in Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
**Lecturer in Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
***Lecturer in Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
****Lecturer in Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
Abstract :
Writing about literature is an important thing for students in the school. The existence of language learning in the school can be one of many ways to improve writing literature ability for students. One of those abilities is writing a poetry.
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16-21 |
चेतना के स्वरूप का दार्शनिक अध्ययन
डॉ. अमिय कुमार साहु
एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर (हिन्दी) एवं प्रमुख, भाषा संकाय,राष्ट्रीय रक्षा अकादमी, खड़कवासला, पुणे-411023
Abstract :
यह शोध, चेतना के स्वरूप पर आधारित है। धरती पर मनुष्य के आविर्भाव के साथ-साथ यह प्रश्न लगातार उसे सोचने के लिए मजबूर करता आ रहा है कि ‘चेतना’ क्या है? इसका स्वरूप क्या है? भारत में वेद काल से लेकर आज तक, भारत और पाश्चात्य के दर्शनिकों, चिंतकों ने इसे सोचने-समझने की कोशिश की है; इसे परिभाषित करने की कोशिश की है। इन्ही परिभाषाओं का सम्पूर्ण विष्लेषण करना और एक नतीजे तक पहुँचना, इस शोध-लेख का उद्देश्य है।
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22-31 |
An Analysis of English Grammatical Errors in the Written Essays of the First Year English Students of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti
George Adekunle Ojo
Department of English and Literary Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti.
Abstract :
This study investigates the grammatical errors in the written essays of the first year English students of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. These errors include misinformation, omission, punctuations, capitalization, concord, lexical, spelling, parts of speech, syntactic and articles.
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32-41 |
An approximation at the practice of environmental education researchin Mexico
Dr. Raúl Calixto Flores
National Pedagogical University, México
Abstract :
The practice of environmental education research is characterized by its complexity and dynamism, addresses issues, aspects and environmental problems, from an educational approach in different social, cultural and institutional areas, with great fellow’s diversity, among other children, adolescents, country and native people, with multiple goals, among others: identify, explain, comprehend or interfere.
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42-55 |
The Wedding Custom Culture of Lampung Pepadun in Developing Civic Culture
Indri Eka Septiani*, & Sapriya**
School of Postgraduate Studies, UniversitasPendidikan Indonesia
Abstract :
This study aims to find out how the description of wedding custom culture of Lampung Pepadun in developing civic culture. The culture of Lampung pepadun in developing civic culture explore and study about the process of custom wedding ceremony. The result of study shows that: (1) in civic culture context, there are values of building good relation, religion, responsibility, deliberation, love motherland and tolerance.
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56-61 |
Massage Parlours: White Collared Prostitution or Women Empowerment?
Mohammed Nadeem Qureshi* & Dr. Mohammad Aadil Khan**
*Ph. D. (Management) Research Scholar, CRIM, Barkatullah University, Bhopal.
**Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management, Saudi Electronic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Abstract :
The cost of living is escalating. Rental costs are at a record high. Food prices and transport costs are beyond many. This has led many to look for alternative means of supplementing incomes. Some have opened businesses on the side. Some have sought secondary jobs. Others are up to all kind of ills.
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62-69 |
Personality and Leadership Style: A Reflection on Some Selected Biblical and Nigerian Leaders
Dr. C. T. Ogunlusi
Department of Religious Studies, Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti
Abstract :
This paper examined the influence of personality on leadership style from within the bible and Nigeria setting with King Saul and David’s as well as Abacha and Awolowo as paradigms. The paper gave the conceptual clarifications on personality and leadership
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70-80 |
The Journalist"s Preferences in Preventing Hate Speech in Social Media as the Impact of Westernization of the Country Freedom of Pancasila
Ricky E. Mawara
Graduate Student of Indonesia University of Education
Abstract :
This research is based on the writer"s dismay toward the massive information about hate speech in social media in the last decade in Indonesia, and also the role of journalist as sieving information that is seen less than the maximum.
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81-84 |
Are Teacher Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction Correlated?
Ms. Neelima G. Jha* & Prof. (Dr) Sr. Marion Mathew CJ**
*Research Scholar, Department of Education, SHUATS, Allahabad
**Head, Department of Teacher Education, Dean, Allahabad School of Education,Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (Shuats), Allahabad. (Formerly Known as Shiats)
Abstract :
Research suggests that, among school-related factors, teachers matter most. When it comes to student performance, a teacher is estimated to have two to three times the impact of any other school factor, including services, facilities, and even leadership.
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85-94 |
The role of traditional Motivation theories on employee retention
Research scholar, Segi University, Malaysia
Abstract :
Retention through motivation is one of a critical success factor of an organization. The primary objective of this study is to provide an assemblage of traditional motivation theories that influence employee retention.
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95-110 |