Consumer awareness of E-Banking in Rural area with Specful Reference to Vilathikulam Taluk, Thoothukudi District
F. Rekha Morais,
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics V.O.Chidambaram College
Abstract :
Today banks have become a part of our life. There was a time when the dwellers of city alone could enjoy their services. Now banks offer accers to even a common man and their activities extend to areas hitter to untouched Banks carter to the needs of agriculturists
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1-5 |
Impact of changing livelihood patterns on socio-culture life of Korku, Betul District, Madhya Pradesh
Professor, Dr.Rajshree Shastri, Archana Kujur (research scholar)
Department of sociology & social work, Barkatullah University, Bhopal
Abstract :
This research article attempts to set the current changes that are taking place in socio-cultural life of Korku tribe, Now, the tribals are in the process of transformation. It may have many reasons but this article elaborates how the adopted new livelihood pattern is distressing the socio-cultural life of Korku.
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6-15 |
A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Problems Orphans and Non–orphans
Rachna Mishra* & Dr. (Sr.) Marion, Mathew C.J.**
*Research Scholar Allahabad School of Education SHUATS, Prayagraj
**Professor and Head Allahabad School of Education SHUATS, Prayagraj
Abstract :
Present study titled “A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Problems Orphans and Non–orphans” conducted on secondary school male and female students. Descriptive survey method was implied to collect the data of the study. Two hundred forty secondary school students have been selected by using random sampling technique as a sample of the study
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16-25 |
संतनगरी, ऋषिकेष की पौराणिकता से आधुनिकता की ऐतिहासिक गाथा
डाॅ0 दयाधर प्रसाद सेमवाल
सहायक प्राध्यापकए इतिहास विभाग राजकीय स्नातकोतर महाविदयालय अगस्त्यमुनि रूद्रप्रयाग
Abstract :
उत्तराखण्ड का प्रवेष द्वार कहे जाने वाले व कुम्भनगरी हरिद्वार से मात्र 24 कि0मी0, की दूरी पर देवताओं की तपोभूमि, महान ऋषियों की कर्मस्थली, संतनगरी, ऋषिकेष अवस्थित है। यह स्थान वर्तमान में गढ़वाल मण्डल के तीन जनपदों (देहरादून, पौड़ी व टिहरी) के अन्तर्गत 300 6’ उŸारी अक्षांश से 78¬¬¬0 18’ देषान्तर रेखाओं के मध्य गंगा के दाहिने पार्व में समुद्र तट से 356 मीटर की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है। धार्मिक दृष्टि से ऋषिकेष का प्राचीन काल से ही महत्व रहा है। पतित-पावनी माँ गंगा के तट पर स्थित यह पौराणिक नगर हिन्दू धर्म के अनुयायियों के लिये धार्मिक गतिविधियों का प्रमुख केन्द्र रहा है।
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26-31 |
Bamboo, Cane and Pottery a Folk Art form of Barak Valley: A Hazard to Local Identity
Binoy Paul
Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Visual Arts, Assam University, Silchar-788011
Assam, India
Abstract :
Assam is rich varieties in forest resources. Most of the forests are richly stocked with canes of various species. Canes are raw material of great versatility and form an integrated part of the life style and economy of Assam and North East as well as Barak Valley.
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32-38 |