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Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
Feminism and Post-Modern Feminism in Women Novelists
Shaik Mohimood & S. k. Rafi
*Assistant Professor of English,Nalanda Instituyte of Engineering and Technoligy,Sattenapalli **Assistant professor of English, Chintalapudi Engineering college, Ponnuru.
A Study of Academic Achievement of Students Participating and Not Participating In Games In Relation To Their Achievement Motivation
Ms. Asha* & Dr. G.S. Arya**
* Research Scholar, Bhagwant University, Ajmer ⁺⁺Research Guide: Assistant Professor, Gold Field College of Education, Faridabad
Eliot’s Faith: “A Song for Simeon”
Dr. Asha Solomon
Department of English, Montfort College, Lucknow