The Role of ICT in Governing Sustainable Rural Development in Madhubani District
Raja Sahu
Research Scholar, Department of Economics, L.N.M.University Darbhanga
Abstract :
This paper tried to explain the importance of ICT for the rural sustainable Development in the Indian context through secondary and primary evidence. The paper mainly interpreted the secondary evidence to point out the role and the meaning of ICT in the rural environment as a vehicle of equality and growth. coupons for viagra printable link prescription discount coupon coupons for viagra printable go prescription discount coupon discount prescription drug card read copay cards for prescription drugs how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc
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1-6 |
Impact of Lending By Money Lenders (Unorganised Sector) On Sickness of MSMEs in Uttar Pradesh
Ali Mahdi Naqvi
Research Scholar, Department of Applied Economics, Lucknow University.
Abstract :
This paper attempts to examine the number of sick units in Uttar Pradesh. This paper also highlights the reasons for sickness in MSME sector in India. For this purpose the necessary data required for the study have been collected from the Final report of Fourth All India Census of MSME, Ministry of Micro, coupons for viagra printable link prescription discount coupon cialis discount coupons online go free discount prescription cards drug discount coupons paine.edu pfizer coupons for viagra how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc can i take naltrexone and etodolac canitake.net can i take naltrexone and etodolac
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7-11 |
A Study of Rural Employment and Poverty Alleviation by (MGNREGA): A Study of Bihar
DR. Kumar Amaresh* & DR. Rajiv Ranjan**
*M.A Economics, Patna University, Patna
** M.A Economics, LNMU Darbhanga, Bihar
Abstract :
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is an Indian job guarantee scheme, enacted by legislation on August 25, 2005. The scheme provides a legal guarantee for one hundred days of employment in every financial year to adult members pet prescription discount card go coupon viagra cialis discount coupons online link free discount prescription cards can i take atarax and meclizine canitake.net can i take atarax and meclizine
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12-19 |
The Theme of Hunger IN So Many Hungers! By Bhabani Bhattacharya
Abstract :
Bhabani Bhattacharya occupies an outstanding place among the twentieth century Indo Anglican writers. His novel So Many Hungers!, discount prescription drug card viagra coupon copay cards for prescription drugs cialis discount coupons online link free discount prescription cards can i take naltrexone and etodolac canitake.net can i take naltrexone and etodolac
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20-21 |
The Benefits and Challenges of Using Activity Based Learning Methods for Engineering Students
Prativa Rani Saha,
Asst. Prof., VNR VJIET, Hyderabad
Abstract :
The paper aims at highlighting the benefits and challenges of Activity Based Teaching in an Engineering Classroom. It also focuses on the how these task based methods help students in learning and encourage them to understand and apply what they learn drug discount coupons paine.edu pfizer coupons for viagra how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine
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22-26 |
मनरेगा योजना से रोजगार सृजन एवं सामाजिक प्रभावः बिहार के संदर्भ में अध्ययन
डॉ0 कुमार अम्रेश*- डॉ0 राजीव रंजन**
*स्नाकोत्तर अर्थशास्त्र, पटना विश्वविद्यालय, पटना, (मधुबनी बिहार)** स्नाकोत्तर अर्थशास्त्र, ल0ना0म0 विश्वविद्यालय, कामेश्वर नगर, दरभंगा
Abstract :
राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारण्टी अधिनियम 2005 में यूपीए सरकार ने इस अधिनियम कौ पारित किया। इसे 2 फरवरी 2006 को लागू किया गया। इस अधिनियम के तहत ही राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारंटी योजना ( एन आर ई जी एस ) का संचालन हो रहा है। can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine
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27-33 |
‘‘बिहार के आर्थिक विकास में पर्यटन की स्थिति एवं सम्भावनाएँ: दरभंगा जिला के संर्दभ में‘‘
रमण कुमार ठाकुर (शोधर्थी)
स्नाकोत्तर अर्थशास्त्र विभाग, ल0ना0मि0 विश्वविद्यालय, कामेश्वर नगर, दरभंगा
Abstract :
बिहार के आर्थिक विकास में पर्यटन की स्थिति एवं सम्भावनाएँ: दरभंगा जिला के संर्दभ में’’ शोध अध्ययन से सम्बंधित है। पर्यटन उद्योग में होने वाले समस्याओं का अध्ययन किया गया है। भारत में पर्यटन की अपार संभावनायें होते हुये भी विश्व पर्यटन बाजार में भारत का हिस्सा एक प्रतिशत से भी कम है। can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine can i take naltrexone and etodolac canitake.net can i take naltrexone and etodolac
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34-40 |
"Panchayati Raj Institutions is A Most Power Full Instrument of The Women Empowerments: A Case Study”
Santosh Kumar
Research Scholar P.hd,M.Phil,M.A Political Science, M.Phil (Edu) M.Ed,B.Ed,M.A (Eng) Deptt of Political Science Madurai Kamaraj University.
Abstract :
"Empowerment" as a multi-dimensional social process through which people gain control over their own lives, communities and society. how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc
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41-47 |
Narrative Strategies in the Novels of William Faulkner
Research Scholar,Dr. R.M.L. Awadh University,Faizabad.
Abstract :
William Faulkner is a novelist who had won a place of distinction in American letters in spite of peculiarities which might naturally have alienated every group of readers the whom he looked for a packing. drug discount coupons paine.edu pfizer coupons for viagra can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine
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48-50 |
A study on “MSME & Credit Appraisal” with Reference to Different Credit Appraisal and Assessment System used by United Bank of India.
Dr Ashok kumar Rath
Professor in Accounting and Finance,Regional college of Management,Bhubaneswar
Abstract :
Indian Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute significantly to the national priorities of employment generation, entrepreneurship promotion, backward area development and wealth distribution. how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc can i take atarax and meclizine canitake.net can i take atarax and meclizine
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51-66 |
Agricultural Strategy in India:Green Revolution (A Historical Perspective)
Dr. Monoj Kumar Chowdhury
Head, Department of Business Administration,Gauhati University. Guwahati.
Abstract :
This article tries to study the agricultural policies of India since independence. The features and the impact of first green revolution was studied critically with its weaknesses. In case of second green revolution, can i take atarax and meclizine canitake.net can i take atarax and meclizine
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67-79 |
Right to Corruption Free Governance and Administration, A Case Study in India
Research Scholar Dept of Political Science Madurai Kamaraj University
Abstract :
The National Human Rights Commission should revamp its mandate in the light of massive institutionalised corruption that has left no institution in India untouched. can i take atarax and meclizine canitake.net can i take atarax and meclizine
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80-87 |
T. S. Eliot’s Modernism in TheWaste Land
Asha F. Solomon
Department off English,Montfort College, Lucknow
Abstract :
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965) was born in St. Louis, Missouri, of an old New England family. He was educated at Harvard and did graduate work in philosophy at the Sorbonne, Harvard, and Merton College can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine
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88-91 |
Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in India
Raziya .A. Nadaf* & Dr.Laxmidevi.Y**
*Research Assistant, Women’s Studies Centre, KSWU, Vijayapura.
**Director, Women’s Studies Centre, KSWU, Vijayapura.Karnataka State
Abstract :
Women entrepreneurs face a series of problems right from the beginning till the enterprise functions. Being a woman itself poses various problems to a woman entrepreneur, the problem of Indian women pertains
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92-97 |
“Priority Sector Lending and Emergence of Non-Performing Assets in Public Sector Banks: A case study of State Bank of India, Madhubani district: Post Liberalization”
Utpal Kumar Mishra*, & Dr. Lav Kush Sharma**
*Research Scholar,Deptt. Of Commerce L.N.M.U, Darbhanga
**Deptt. of Commerce, HoD, R. K. college, Madhubani
Abstract :
Priority sector lending and social banking concepts have been developed and adopted for the purpose of credit deployment. the Banking industry in India has made considerable progress especially drug discount coupons paine.edu pfizer coupons for viagra
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98-108 |
Effect of Stress Management Programme on Learned Helplessness of Adolescents in Mathematics
Ms Sanju Verma* & Dr Manju Gera**
*Research Scholar, Department of Education, Panjab University Chandigarh, India
**Assistant. Professor, USOL, Department of Education, Panjab University Chandigarh, India
Abstract :
The present experimental investigation, which is pre test - post test control group design, was conducted to assess the effectiveness of stress management programme on learned helplessness of adolescents in the subject of mathematics how many weeks pregnant to have an abortion abortion pill free abortion clinics in nyc can i take atarax and meclizine site can i take atarax and meclizine
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109-116 |