The Role of Village Government in Increasing Land and Building Tax Revenue in Pagaran Lambung III Village, Adiankoting Sub-District, Tapanuli Utara District
Netrianni Sipahutar*, Novita Wulandari** & Yurial Arief Lubis***
Government Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
Abstract :
This study aims to find out and describe how the role of the village government and what are the factors of the role of the village government in increasing land and building tax revenues in Pagaran Lambung III village.
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1-9 |
Impact of Itv Radio Rural Reporting in Fostering Community Engagement and Social Change in UDO Community, Edo State
Ngozi. B. Okeibunor, PhD
Department of Mass Communication, Benson Idahosa University, Edo State
Abstract :
The study looked at the Impact of ITV radio Rural Reporting in Fostering Community Engagement and Social Change in Udo. The objectives of this study were to establish the extent to which Udo community residents are exposed to rural development reports on ITV radio, examine the influence of ITV radio rural development
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10-20 |