Attitude of the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Students in Gender-Fair Language
Rhena Myla S. Niala* & Jackie Lou C. Corbita**
*&**Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Abstract :
Awareness of gender-fair language means being mindful of using inclusive and respectful language for all genders, while avoiding terms that reinforce stereotypes or discriminate against specific genders. This study sought to investigate the attitude of the Bachelor of English Language students on gender-fair language. Results revealed that most BAEL students acknowledged that making changes was difficult,
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1-12 |
Social Justice Themes in Indian English Literature: An Analytical Examination of Works Addressing Caste, Class, and Gender Discrimination
Research Scholar
Abstract :
In this paper, I explore the social justice themes in Indian English literature and how different authors treat important issues like caste, class and gender discrimination. Indeed, Indian fiction in English is an ideal vehicle for examining the deeply entrenched social hierarchies and inequities that continue to scar Indian life.
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13-18 |
The Contributions of Indian Diaspora Writers to Global Literature: An Examination of the Impact of Authors Such As Jhumpa Lahiri and Salman Rushdie on English Literary Discourse
Research Scholar
Abstract :
A Brief Survey of Works by Indian Diaspora Writers Reflecting on Global Literature with a Special Emphasis on the Writings of Jhumpa Lahiri and Salman Rushdie hsinwen 7144 09/29/2023 Books. This paper investigates the importance of Indian diaspora writers in the context of the international scenario.
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19-23 |