Water Pollution in India: A Legal Analysis of Controlling Measures
Renu Kumari
Research Scholar, Department of Law, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Abstract :
Recently, the Central Pollution Control Board has identified that almost 351 river stretches are polluted in India, and among them sixty percent river stretches exist only in eight states. This shows that these rivers and streams did not qualify the water quality criteria and it is a serious concern as water is the most essential component for the existence of life. The World Bank evaluates that "the health costs of water pollution is equal to three percent of GDP, in India
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1-8 |
Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy
Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah*, Alif Aditya Candra**, & Raitam Afandi ***
*&***State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia
**University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to dig deeper about the sandwich generation who are faced with a double responsibility in caring for children and elderly parents. Effective and appropriate public services are necessary in supporting the needs of the sandwich generation. This article provides an overview of the current regulation of public services and outlines strategies to strengthen regulation.
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9-18 |
A Study on the Relationship of Training and Development on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction of Employees with Special Reference to KMML
Dr. Sonia Katherin Mathew*, Shanthu sayed sulaiman**, & Anjali G Raj***
*Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management,
Pathanamthitta, India
**Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management,
Pathanamthitta, India
***Student Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management,
Pathanamthitta, India
Abstract :
The study has been conducted at ‘The Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited’ for finding out the relationship between training and development, job performance and job satisfaction of employees. 50 employees were conveniently taken as the respondents for the study while questionnaire served as the data collection instrument. Research data was analysed using percentage analysis
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19-27 |
A study on the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at Arine Solar Solution
Dr Stanley George* & Divya S Nair**
*Professor and Director, Musaliar College of ebgineering and technology, Department of management studies kerala
**MBA Student, Professor and Director Musaliar College of ebgineering and technology, Department of management studies kerala.
Abstract :
The study has been conducted at “Arine Solar Solution” for finding out the relationship between service quality and customer satisfactionof customers. The scope of the study consists of all the customers in Kerala. Research data was analysed using percentage analysis and regression analysis by using SPSS software.
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28-32 |