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Past Issues

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
Water Pollution in India: A Legal Analysis of Controlling Measures
Renu Kumari
Research Scholar, Department of Law, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy
Aulia Sholichah Iman Nurchotimah*, Alif Aditya Candra**, & Raitam Afandi ***
*&***State Islamic Institute Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon), Indonesia **University of Jambi (Universitas Jambi), Indonesia
A Study on the Relationship of Training and Development on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction of Employees with Special Reference to KMML
Dr. Sonia Katherin Mathew*, Shanthu sayed sulaiman**, & Anjali G Raj***
*Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management, Pathanamthitta, India **Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management, Pathanamthitta, India ***Student Department of Management Studies, Musaliar Institute of Management, Pathanamthitta, India
A study on the relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at Arine Solar Solution
Dr Stanley George* & Divya S Nair**
*Professor and Director, Musaliar College of ebgineering and technology, Department of management studies kerala **MBA Student, Professor and Director Musaliar College of ebgineering and technology, Department of management studies kerala.