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Current Issue

S.No. CONTENT Page No.
The Role of The Market Technical Implementation Unit in Managing Waste in The Siborongborong Market Siborongborong District North Tapanuli Regency
Dewi Sartika Nababan* , Agung Suharyanto** & Nina Angelia***
*,**&***Public Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Medan Area, Indonesia
Impact of ITV Radio Rural Reporting in Fostering Community Engagement and Social Change in UDO Community, EDO State
Ngozi. B. Okeibunor, PhD
Department of Mass Communication, Benson Idahosa University, Edo State
Social Entrepreneurship Models: A comparative Analysis of Global Initiatives
Dr. G.C. Dwivedi* & Dr Anupreeta**
Professor, Department of Commerce, Allahabad Degree College, Prayagraj Assistant Professor, V.V. PG College Shamli
Critical Analysis of Gujarati Movie "Vash" (2023) and its Hindi Interpretation in "Shaitan" (2024)
Nilay Plnakin Puranik
Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat, Gujrat